Geoffrey John Websdale was decorated for heroism in both world wars of the twentieth century. We sold his medal group, including a Military Cross in the Monies, Medals & Militaria auction on May 24th.
Geoffrey John Websdale
Geoffrey John Websdale was born in London, in 1893. After studying Engineering at Imperial College London, he joined the 12th Division Signal Royal Engineers at the outbreak of the Great War. The Royal Engineer Signal Service was responsible for all forms of communication, from telegraph to despatch. In 1914, there were fewer than 6,000 in the Royal Engineer Signals Service. By the end of the war there were 70,000 signallers. This growth was a testament to significant advances in communication technology during the Great War. It is interesting to consider the changes and improvements that Websdale would have witnessed and presided over during his time in the Signals.
During WWI, Websdale rose rapidly through military ranks - he was a temporary Second Lieutenant in November 1914; between 1916 and 1917, he was promoted to temporary Captain; and in 1918, he was named in the New Year Honours list. This is when he received his Military Cross. The Military Cross is a decoration awarded to officers in recognition of acts of exemplary gallantry during active operations.
During WWII, Websdale joined the Air Force under Technical Branch (Electrical Engineers). Here he progressed from Pilot Officer to Flight Lieutenant, and then on to Squadron Leader.
Medal Group at auction
As well as the Military Cross, the group also contains a Great War 1914-15 Star named to ‘2. Lieut: G. J. Websdale. R.E’; as well as a British War Medal 1914-20 and Victory Medal with M.I.D oak leaf emblem named to ‘Major G.J Websdale’; plus WWII Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-45.
Lot 551 - 24/05/23
Military Cross Medal Group, awarded to Major G. J. Websdale.
Price Realised: £1,105.00

Lot 551 is of particular interest to medal collectors. It evidences Websdale’s numerous achievements, over the course of his long and decorated military career. The medal group demonstrates his rise from Lieutenant to Major over the course of The Great War, as well as the singular gallant act that rendered him eligible for the decoration of the Military Cross. The two oak leaves, across both Great War and WWII medals, were awarded for being Mentioned in Despatches (MID) for notable acts of bravery. They further highlight Websdale’s heroism throughout his contributions to both the Great War and WWII.
Between the wars, Websdale is recorded as travelling to Chile and Peru. He also lived for a time in Barcelona, Spain where he worked as an Electrical Engineer. After the Second World War, he settled in Devon. Here he continued his career in engineering until his retirement. Geoffrey John Websdale died aged 78, in 1971.