We pick out some unique amber and Victorian pieces from our upcoming sale of Vintage Jewellery and Accessories. The prices of amber have been increasing rapidly over our last few auctions, with the more desirable examples fetching more per gram than gold and platinum. This is mainly due to the strong demand from Asian buyers. Amber is revered as a good luck stone in Asian culture. The sought after material is the higher quality amber in larger sizes (Lot 570). With preference towards barrel-shape, uniform sized beads and Baltic amber in honey and cream colours.
Lot 570: An amber boulder
We’ve also noted a desire for necklaces or strung beads that come in multiples of thirty-three, ideal for creating Tesbihs. These are Islamic prayer beads, they consist of either thirty-three or ninety-nine beads and are used during Muslim prayer recitation. Lots 557 and 568 are perfect examples of these beautiful strung beads.
Lot 557: An early 20th century amber bead necklace
Lot 568: An amber bead necklace
The full catalogue for our sale of Vintage Jewellery and Accessories is available to view here.