Emerald takes its name from the Latin word ‘Smaragdus’ meaning ‘Green Gem.’ Emerald is the green variety of the Beryl family, the trace element chromium being present in the deposit is what gives Emeralds their very distinct vivid green hues. The highest quality Emeralds are notably from Colombia, Zambia and Brazil, however the gem is found all over the world.

One of the earliest mentions of Emerald mines is in Egypt at Mount Smaragdus from around 1500BC onwards, these mines produced the gems that were favoured by Cleopatra who adorned herself and her palaces with Emeralds. Emeralds were discovered in South America in the 16th Century by the Spanish, after over 500 years of use by the Inca’s, the Spanish traded their Emeralds for precious metals across Europe and Asia.
It was said that Emeralds were placed upon early gem stone cutters benches to sooth their eyes after intense eye strain and concentration to restore their vision.Emeralds have been attributed to the richest green landscapes, including the Emerald Isle of Ireland and Seattle known as the Emerald City of Washington State USA. Emerald is traditionally gifted on a 55th anniversary, to represent eternity and commitment.

One of the largest un cut Emeralds in the world is the Colombian ‘Duke of Devonshire Emerald,’ weighing 1,383.93 carats, gifted from Emperor Pedro I of Brazil to William Cavendish in 1831. After being displayed at the Great Exhibition of 1851, this famous Emerald now resides at The Natural History Museum London. There is an assortment of Emerald pieces in all of our May jewellery sales.