
Thank you, your valuation request has been received

Thank you, your valuation request has been received


Thank you for submitting your valuation request.
A member of our specialist valuation team will be in touch soon to offer you an initial valuation based on the information and photographs you have provided. We aim to get back to you within one working day.
If you are happy with our valuation, our specialists can advise you on the next steps. Visit our department pages here.
There are many benefits of selling at auction with Fellows:
  • Your items will feature in high quality printed and digital catalogues.
  • With over 100 auctions held each year, we are in a position to provide rapid turnaround and speedy settlement.
  • Payment made 15 working days after the auction.
  • We conduct targeted advertising campaigns to ensure our auctions and your items reach a global audience.
  • We work with live bidding platforms so that our customers can bid in real time without having to attend an auction in person.
  • Our Buyer's Premium charges are lower than our competitors allowing potential buyers to bid higher on your item.
  • We offer competitive Seller's Commission Charges.
  • Fellows is one of the UK's oldest and most trusted auction houses, meaning our customers can buy and sell with confidence.
If, for any reason, you would like to speak to a member of the team please call +44 (0) 121 212 2131.
Many thanks,
Fellows Auctioneers